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Ensuring the robustness of link flow observation systems in sensor failure events


Dr. Ning ZHU

College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University

Joint work with Xinyao Yu, Shoufeng Ma, William H.K. Lam, Hao Fu


Date:    January 4, 2024 (Thursday)

Time:   5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Venue:  Room 632C, 6/F Haking Wong Building, The University of Hong Kong



Network link flow data are an intuitive information for monitoring the traffic condition of the entire network, and can be used to enhance traffic management and control. Link flow observation systems are typically designed using flow conservation equations to obtain the information of flow on unobserved links by inference. The occurrence of sensor failures in such systems may lead to flow information loss on both observed and inferred links. Most studies on this issue have considered sensor deployment and failure evaluation as separate processes. In contrast, in this study, both processes are integrated to establish a link flow observation system that withstands sensor failures. First, we propose a novel model to solve the sensor location problem for full link flow observability. The proposed model is then modified to evaluate the link flow information loss in sensor failure event, and incorporated into a distributionally robust optimization (DRO) model for the sensor location problem concerned. The DRO model minimizes the worst-case expected information loss of the system during the planning horizon with different types of sensors. Moreover, we extend the DRO model to a target-based version, into which a convex risk measure named Observation fulfillment risk index is introduced to evaluate the risk of failing to meet the predetermined observation target for any sensor installation schemes. The devised models can be directly solved by commercial solvers for networks like Nguyen-Dupuis, and a matheuristic genetic algorithm is designed for large-scale example networks. Numerical experiments are performed for networks with different sizes. The DRO model generates robust sensor location schemes with worst-case performances that are superior to those achieved using benchmark methods, such as stochastic programming. The use of the Observation fulfillment risk index enhances the system stability and target fulfillment level and decreases the standard deviation of the link flow information loss. We also make use of numerical experiments to derive some insightful conclusions on installation budget, coverage ratio, failure risks, etc..


About the Speaker

Dr. Ning ZHU is a Professor in the College of Management and Economics at Tianjin University. His research interests encompass transportation and logistics system modeling, operation, and optimization. He focuses on various research problems including traffic sensor locations, transit system modeling (including bus stop modeling and related topics), vehicle routing problems, bike sharing system operations, disaster operations and management. Ning Zhu employs technical tools such as mixed-integer programming, stochastic programming, robust optimization, and stochastic processes to tackle these problems. He has published more than 40 academic papers in international journals such as Transportation Science, Transportation Research Part B/C/E, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management and the European Journal of Operational Research. Additionally, he is the Principal Investigator for four national natural science foundation projects, including one National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars.







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Getting from here to there - Strategic, tactical and operational issues related to deployment of ACES (Autonomous, Connected, Electric & Shared) mobility technologies

SPEAKER Prof. Hani S. Mahmassani 

Professor of Civil and Environmental and (by courtesy) Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences Engineering 

William A. Patterson Distinguished Chair in Transportation 

Northwestern University  DATE AND TIME 15 December 2023 (Friday) 19:00 – 20:00 (Hong Kong Time) 


CPD 3.04, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong ORGANISED BY Institute of Transport Studies, The University of Hong Kong ABSTRACT Various emerging technologies and supply business models are envisioned to bring potentially transformative changes to the urban mobility landscape. These technologies, ranging from Autonomous, Connected, Electric, Shared (ACES) technologies, to micromobility and urban air mobility using eVTOLS, create significant opportunities for improved and more equitable mobility. They also face challenges along their deployment pathway, and stress our existing modeling frameworks and methodologies. We discuss key challenges and pathways for addressing them.    SPEAKER’S BIO Dr. Hani S. Mahmassani holds the William A. Patterson Distinguished Chair in Transportation at Northwestern University, where he is Director of the Northwestern University Transportation Center.  Prior to Northwestern, he served on the faculties of the University of Maryland and the University of Texas at Austin. His research contributions include the areas of intelligent transportation systems, freight and logistics systems, multimodal systems modeling and optimization, pedestrian and crowd dynamics and management, traffic science, demand forecasting and travel behavior, and real-time operation of transportation and distribution systems. He is past editor-in-chief of Transportation Science, senior editor of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, founding (past) associate editor and current scientific board member of Transportation Research C: Emerging Technologies, Distinguished Advisory Board Member of Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, and associate editor of Transportation Research Record. He is a past president of the Transportation Science Section of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, a past President of the International Association for Travel Behavior Research, and the Convenor of the ISTTT International Advisory Committee. He serves on the Executive Committee of the Transportation Research Board, the Research and Technology Advisory Committee of the US Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration, and the Panama Canal Authority’s International Advisory Board.  He was the recipient of a Distinguished Alumnus Award of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the American University of Beirut in 2006, the Intelligent Transportation Systems Outstanding Application Award of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in 2010, the Transportation Research Board (TRB)’s Thomas Deen Distinguished Lectureship in 2016, TRB’s Roy Crum Award for Distinguished Service in 2022, and a Distinguished Engineering Alum of Purdue in 2022. He was elected Emeritus member of TRB committees on Telecommunications and Travel Behavior (2006), Transportation Network Modeling (2007), and Traveler Behavior and Values (2008). He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2021 “for contributions to modeling of intelligent transportation networks and to interdisciplinary collaboration in transportation engineering”. He received his PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in transportation systems and MS in transportation engineering from Purdue University.

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Research Cases on the Applications of Data-Driven Methods in Smart Cities



Dr. WANG Hai

School of Computing and Information Systems, Singapore Management University


Date:    December 28, 2023 (Thursday)

Time:   3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Venue:  Room 612B, 6/F Haking Wong Building, The University of Hong Kong



The rapid development and widespread adoption of mobile devices, sensors, IoT, and communication technology have led to the generation of vast volumes of multi-source, high-dimensional data in various systems within the broader framework of smart cities, including transportation, logistics, e-commerce, healthcare, etc. Consequently, numerous data-driven methods have been developed and implemented to address research challenges related to the design and operations of these systems. In this talk, we will briefly discuss several research cases on the applications of data-driven methods in smart cities. These cases include: (1) Descriptive methods for mobile transaction digits distribution and crowd-sourcing food delivery operations; (2) Predictive methods for ICU patient condition evaluation and freelance platform service quality prediction; (3). Prescriptive method for shared transportation ride matching and feeder vessel transshipment routing and scheduling. Through these cases, we aim to showcase the diverse applications of data-driven methods in addressing some key challenges in smart cities.


About the Speaker

Dr. WANG Hai is an Associate Professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems at Singapore Management University and a visiting teaching faculty at the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. He is the Singapore PI for the interdisciplinary AI research program at Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology. He received B.S. from Tsinghua University and Ph.D. in Operations Research from MIT. His research focuses on methodologies of analytics and optimization, data-driven decision-making models, machine learning algorithms, and their applications in smart cities, transportation, and logistics systems. He has published in leading journals such as Transportation Science, American Economic Review P&P, M&SOM, Fundamental Research, and Transportation Research Part B/C/E and has long term collaborations with leading companies such as Meituan, Tencent, DiDi, Grab, and Upwork. He serves as Associate Editor for Transportation Science and Service Science, Special Issue Editor for Transportation Research Part B/Part C, and Service Science, and Editorial Board Member for Transportation Research Part C/Part E. Dr. Wang was selected as Chan Wu & Yunying Rising Star Fellow in transportation and mobility, received Lee Kong Chian Research Excellence Award twice, was nominated for MIT’s top graduate teaching award, and won the Excellent Teaching award for junior faculty at SMU. During his Ph.D. studies at MIT, he also served as the co-President of the MIT Chinese Students & Scholars Association and as Chair of the MIT-China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum.






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