All members of the academic staff in the University of Hong Kong who are involved in the teaching and research of transport will be eligible for appointment as full Fellows of the Institute.
Persons from outside the University who can provide bona fide assistance and advice to the Institute or otherwise contribute to its activities and aims will be eligible for appointment as Honorary Fellows.
Registered postgraduate research students in the University of Hong Kong will be eligible for appointment as Student Fellows.
Full-time HKU research staff (including Research Assistants and Post-doctoral Fellows) working on transport-related projects with ITS Fellows, HKU alumni (particularly former ITS Student Fellows) whose work is related to transport studies, and former professoriate staff (especially those who have formerly served as ITS Fellows) are eligible for appointment as Affiliate Fellows.
Full Fellowship appointments shall cease upon departure from HKU at the Professoriate rank. Honorary and Affiliate Fellowship appointments are of a three-year term and are renewable. Student Fellowship appointments are of the entire duration of research postgraduate studies.
The Institute is headed by a Director and Deputy Director chosen by the full Fellows of the Institute from amongst their members. The direction and activities of the Institute are guided by a Management Committee.