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Prof. Reynold C.K. Cheng

  1. A Smart Predict-then-Optimize Framework for Emergency Ambulance Dispatch, General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17204823, HK$ 1,128,932, Co-I, 2024–2026.

  2. A Large-Scale TimeBank Platform for Intelligent Volunteering, Little Bluebridge Foundation, HK$ 15,000,000, PI, Dec 2023–Nov 2028.

  3. SMART Family-Link Phase 2, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (HKJC), project code: 260920140, HK$ 64,000,000, PI, Oct 2022–Sep 2025.

  4. A real-time monitoring and warning system for COVID-19 and influenza infection in building environment, Collaborative Research Funding (CRF) 2021/22 and Second Round One-off CRF COVID and NID Research Exercises, project code: C7104-21G, HK$ 6,508,880, Co-PI, Jun 2022– Jun 2025.

  5. Efficient Algorithms for Discovering Motifs on Labelled and Dynamic Graphs, RGC Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, project code: G-HKU710/21, HK$ 44,800, PI, Jan 2022–Dec 2022.

  6. User-driven Asset-centric Ecosystem for Democratizing Data Science and AI, France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme – Travel Grants, project code: F-HKU702/20, HK$ 90,000, PI, Feb 2021–Jan 2023.

  7. Evaluating Motif Discovery Queries on Large Graph Databases, Seed Fund for Basic Research for Resubmission of GRF/ECS Proposals, HKU, project code: 104005994, HK$ 49,500, PI, Jul 2020–Nov 2020.

  8. Analysis and Visualization of MTR Passenger Behavior During COVID19, COVID-19 Action Seed Funding, HKU, project code: 176FRCKCHE ,177DRCKCHE, HK$ 90,000, PI, Jul 2020–Jun 2021.

  9. Using Knowledge Graphs for Long-Tail Keyword Query Recommendation in Video Search, HKU-TCL Joint Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, project code: 200009430, HK$ 1,000,000, PI, Nov 2020–Aug 2023.

  10. Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Joint Laboratory Program of the 2020 Guangdong New Innovative Strategic Research Fund, Guangdong Science and Technology Department, project code: 2020B1212030009, HK$ 115,700, Jul 2020–Jun 2023.

  11. Third Age Planning and Productive Ageing for Young-Olds, Hong Kong Jockey Club, HK$ 1,780,000, PI, 2019–2020.

  12. HINCare: A Heterogeneous Information Network for Elderly-Care Helper Recommendation, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) – Midstream Research Programme for Universities (MRP), project code: MRP/029/18, HK$ 4,066,400, PI, 2019–2021.

  13. Modelling of Artificial Neural Networks, Distributed System with High Reliability for Intelligent Data Management System (IDMS), Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), project code: 200008954, HK$ 900,000, PI, Jan 2019–Dec 2020.

  14. Motif Discovery in Heterogeneous Information Networks, RGC Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, project code: G-HKU706/18, HK$ 89,600, PI, Jan 2019–Dec 2019.

  15. Embrace My Age: A Partnered Solution for Better, Heathlier, and Meaningful Ageing, Hong Kong Jockey Club Charity, HK$ 12,950,000, Co-I, 2019–2022.

  16. Advancing Information and Communications Technology in Family Services, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (HKJC), project code: 2018-0025-001, HK$ 37,300,000, Co-I, 2018–2022.

  17. Effective and Efficient Embedding Solutions for Uncertain Many-Graph Databases, Seed Fund for Basic Research, HKU, project code: 104005125, HK$ 55,330, PI, Jul 2018–Nov 2018.

  18. Using Meta-Structures for Long-Tail Web Query Recommendation, Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research, HKU, project code: 104005000, HK$ 63,436, PI, 2018–2019.

  19. Together in a Sustainable Transport Dream at the Two Bay Areas, UC Davis – HKU Collaborations in Research Scheme, HK$ 200,000, Co-I, 2018–2020.


Prof. Mingxin Huang


  1. Superior corrosion-resistant complex concentrated alloys, General Research Fund, project code: 17307123, HK$ 877,079, PI, Aug 2023–Aug 2026.

  2. Overcoming Technical Limits of Copper Hybrid Bonding for Advanced Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits, Theme-based Research Scheme, project code: T46-705/23-R, HK$ 33,406,664, Co-PI, Nov 2023–Nov 2028.

  3. Zintl-related compounds for enhanced energy efficiency, Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) - Group Research Project, project code:
    C7002-22Y, HK$ 4,038,240, Co-PI, Jun 2023–Jun 2026.

  4. Development of Tailor Welded Blanks for Automotive Safety Components with High Fracture Toughness, Innovation and Technology Support Programme (ITSP) under Automotive Platforms and Application Systems R&D Centre (APAS) Fund, project code: ITP/024/23AP, HK$ 1,698,358, PI, Jul 2023–Jul 2025.

  5. Material Genome Engineering and Artificial Intelligent Design of Aerospace Materials, Mainland-Hong Kong Joint Funding Scheme (MHKJFS), project code: MHP/064/20, HK$ 1,798,600, PI, Nov 2022–Nov 2024.

  6. Strong, ductile, lightweight alloy developed by DFT-guided machine learning, Croucher Senior Research Fellowships in Natural Sciences, Technology and Medicine, HK$ 3,042,140, PI, Jun 2022–Jun 2025.

  7. Hydrogen embrittlement study of 2GPa ultra-high strength steels, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) - Major Research Project, project code: 52130102, HK$ 3,742,880, PI, Jan 2022–Jan 2027.

  8. Development of thin Al-Si coating technology for automotive lightweighting steels to solve the critical problem of delayed fracture, Platform Research Project, project code: ITP/004/21AP, HK$ 1,015,330, PI, Jul 2021–Jun 2023.

  9. Atomic-resolution Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope for Characterisation of Advanced Materials and Devices, Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) - Major Equipment Project, project code:
    C7045-19E, HK$ 27,117,000, PI, May 2020–May 2024.

  10. Stability and transmissibility of 2019-nCoV, Commissioned Research on the Novel Coronavirus Disease, project code:  COVID190116, HK$ 1,455,384, Co-PI, May 2020–Nov 2021.

  11. 新型高熵合金的纳米结构设计、制备、性能及跨尺度力学性质模拟, National Key Research & Development Programme, project code: 2019YFA0209900, HK$ 13,903,920, PI, Nov 2019–Nov 2024.

  12. Novel ultra-strong and ductile steel at low cost, Research Impact Fund (RIF), project code: R7066-18, HK$ 5,000,000, PI, Jun 2019–Jun 2023.

  13. Development of a new nickel and nitrogen free austenitic stainless steel and its related powder injection moulding method for wearable devices applications, Innovation and Technology Fund Internship Programme, project code: InP/301/18, HK$ 189,203, PI, Oct 2018–Jul 2019.

  14. Strong and ductile steels achieved by dislocation engineering, General Research Fund, project code: 17210418, HK$ 632,421, PI, Sep 2018–Sep 2021.

  15. Dynamic behavior and service safety evaluation of ultrahigh strength steels for automotive applications, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) - Joint Research Fund, project code: U1764252, HK$ 3,014,400, PI, Jan 2018–Dec 2021.


Dr. Jintao Ke


  1. SmartSim: AI-assisted Simulation Software for Multimodal Transportation Operations, Smart Traffic Fund, project code: PSRI/78/2311/RA, HK$5,681,691.15, PI, Sep 2024–Aug 2026.

  2. A Planning Scheme of Commercial Electric Vehicle Chargers for Promoting Green Transport in Hong Kong, Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (PPR), Project code: 2024.A8.145.24A, HK$ 875,610.00, PI, Jul 2024–Jul 2025.

  3. Modelling, simulation, and operational strategy designs for on-demand food delivery services, RGC Early Career Scheme (ECS), project code: HKU27203323, HK$ 606,588, PI, Jan 2024–Dec 2026.

  4. Estimating carbon emissions, assessing decarbonization strategies and managing green transportation in Hong Kong with a multifunctional simulation platform, Environment Conservation Fund (ECF) Environmental Research, Technology Demonstration and Conference Project, project code: 102/2022, HK$ 500,000, PI, Mar 2024–Feb 2026.

  5. Development of a Simulation Platform and Artificial Intelligent Algorithms for Optimising Operation and Management of Taxi E-hailing Services, Smart Traffic Fund, project code: PSRI/29/2201/PR 31, HK$ 2,898,918, PI, Mar 2023–Sep 2024.

  6. Management and optimization for ride-sourcing markets under a mix of autonomous vehicles and human drivers, Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), project code: 72201223, RMB 300,000, PI, Jan 2023–Dec 2025.

  7. Pareto efficient regulatory schemes for ride-sourcing markets, RGC General Research Fund (GRF), project code: HKU15209121, HK$ 911,317, PI, Jan 2022–Dec 2024.


Dr. Yong-Hong Kuo


  1. Embracing Mobility, Technology, and Resilience (MTR) after the Pandemic: Data-Informed Design, Planning, and Operations Management of Tomorrow’s Railway Systems, MTR Research Funding (MRF) Scheme, project code: HKU-23002, HK$ 1,430,795, PI, Sep 2024–Aug 2027.

  2. XR+CV-based Occupational Safety and Health Training Reinforcement, Assessment, and Personalized Recommendations, Innovation and Technology Fund, project code: ITP/006/24LP, HK$ 5,200,756, PI, Mar 2024–Mar 2026.

  3. A Smart Predict-then-Optimize Framework for Emergency Ambulance Dispatch, General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17204823, HK$ 1,128,932, PI, Jan 2024–Dec 2026.

  4. Data-driven Inference and Optimization for Imputing Non-observable Human Preferences in Staff Scheduling, General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17200820, HK$ 797,900, PI, Jan 2021–Dec 2024.

  5. Towards more sustainable urban mobility: smart bike sharing systems through data-driven optimization, Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, DAAD and RGC, project code: G-HKU703/19, HK$ 90,000, PI, Jan 2020–Dec 2021.


Prof. Frankie K.L. Leung


  1. Parameter Optimization and Product Development of Micromotion Technology to Promote Fracture Healing, Research Talent Hub for ITF Projects (RTH-ITF), project code: InP/025/24, HK$ 129,441, PI, Feb 2024–Sep 2024.

  2. Parameter Optimization and Product Development of Micromotion Technology to Promote Fracture Healing, Research Talent Hub for ITF Projects (RTH-ITF), project code: PiH/336/23, HK$ 604,500, PI, Aug 2023–Sep 2024.

  3. Parameter Optimization and Product Development of Micromotion Technology to Promote Fracture Healing, Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme, project code: GHP/192/20GD, HK$ 1,367,093, PI, Sep 2022–Sep 2024.

  4. The Anti-Migration Osteoporotic Thread: A Technology Platform for the Next Generation of Bone Implants for Elderly Patients with Fractures of the Hip, Shoulder, and Spine, Postdoctoral Hub Programme for ITF projects, project code: PiH/013/20, HK$ 568,366, PI, Feb 2020–Jul 2021.

  5. The Anti-Migration Osteoporotic Thread: A Technology Platform for the Next Generation of Bone Implants for Elderly Patients with Fractures of the Hip, Shoulder, and Spine, Innovation and Technology Support Programme (Tier 2), project code: ITS/329/19FP, HK$ 2,939,641, PI, Jan 2020–Jun 2022.

  6. Development and Initial Validation of a Novel Local Anesthetic Drug Carrying Bone Plate (DCBP) with Diffusion Optimized Micro Fluid Channels for Fracture Repair Manufactured By Integrated Machining Direct Metal Laser Sintering (IM-DMLS) 3D Printing Technology, Research Talent Hub for ITF Projects (RTH-ITF), project code: PiH/193/21, HK$ 476,564, Co-I, May 2021–Aug 2022.

  7. Pre-Clinical Validation of a Novel Tensegrity-Based Orthopaedic Implant Technology Platform for Elderly Osteoporotic Bone, Research Talent Hub for ITF Projects (RTH-ITF), project code: InP/250/21, HK$ 383,487, Co-I, Aug 2021–Mar 2023.

  8. Atypical femoral fractures - a personalised risk assessment tool powered by machine learning combining clinical, radiographic, and genetic risk factors,
    Health and Medical Research Fund - Mini Grant, project code: 19201491, HK$ 95,895, Co-I, Oct 2022–Oct 2024.

  9. Development and Initial Validation of a Novel Local Anesthetic Drug Carrying Bone Plate (DCBP) with Diffusion Optimized Micro Fluid Channels for Fracture Repair Manufactured By Integrated Machining Direct Metal Laser Sintering (IM-DMLS) 3D Printing Technology, Research Talent Hub for ITF Projects (RTH-ITF), project code: InP/242/21, HK$ 251,187, Co-I, Jul 2021–Aug 2022.

  10. Development and Initial Validation of a Novel Local Anesthetic Drug Carrying Bone Plate (DCBP) with Diffusion Optimized Micro Fluid Channels for Fracture Repair Manufactured By Integrated Machining Direct Metal Laser Sintering (IM-DMLS) 3D Printing Technology,  Research Talent Hub for ITF Projects (RTH-ITF), project code: InP/166/21, HK$ 318,255, Co-I, Jun 2021–Aug 2022.

  11. Pre-Clinical Validation of a Novel Tensegrity-Based Orthopaedic Implant Technology Platform for Elderly Osteoporotic Bone, Research Talent Hub for ITF Projects (RTH-ITF), project code: InP/153/22, HK$ 181,440, Co-I, Jun 2022–Mar 2023.

  12. Pre-Clinical Validation of a Novel Tensegrity-Based Orthopaedic Implant Technology Platform for Elderly Osteoporotic Bone, Research Talent Hub for ITF Projects (RTH-ITF), project code: InP/150/22, HK$ 188,328, Co-I, Jun 2022–Apr 2024.

  13. Pre-Clinical Validation of a Novel Tensegrity-Based Orthopaedic Implant Technology Platform for Elderly Osteoporotic Bone, Innovation and Technology Support Programme (Seed Project), project code: ITS/304/20, HK$ 1,398,426, Co-I, Apr 2021–Apr 2023.

  14. Sterilized 3D PRINTed bone models versus conventional CT imaging for operative visualization for complex intraarticular fracture repair – A single blinded randomized multicentre study, Health and Medical Research Fund - Full Grant, project code: 08193246, HK$ 1,289,876, Co-I, Dec 2021–Dec 2023.

  15. Multi-scale topology optimisation, additive manufacturing and experimental verification of graded-density lattice cage with BMP coating, Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macau Science and Technology Program (Type C), project code: 202011033000117, HK$ 1,256,000, Co-I, Jan 2021–Jan 2023.

  16. Atypical femoral fractures - identifying genetic predisposition with genome-wide genotyping, AO Trauma Asia Pacific - General Award, project code: AR200030, HK$ 63,512, Co-I, Jan 2021–Dec 2021.

  17. Atypical femoral fractures - identifying genetic predisposition with whole exome sequencing, Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, project code:
    AR200043, HK$ 25,000, Co-I, Jan 2021–Dec 2021.

  18. Development and Initial Validation of a Novel Local Anesthetic Drug Carrying Bone Plate (DCBP) with Diffusion Optimized Micro Fluid Channels for Fracture Repair Manufactured By Integrated Machining Direct Metal Laser Sintering (IM-DMLS) 3D Printing Technology, Matching Grant for Joint Research, project code: UIM/400, HK$ 6,307,246, Co-I, Sep 2020–Aug 2022.

  19. The effectiveness of an orthogeriatric multidisciplinary care model in improving clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness for fragility hip fractures, Health and Medical Research Fund - Full Grant, project code: 15162751, HK$ 585,048, PI, Jul 2018–Jul 2020.


Prof. Dennis Y.C. Leung


  1. Degradation of residual antibiotics in municipal wastewater by vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photocatalysis. RGC (CERG), project code: 17208323, HK$ 1,010,000, PI, Jan 2024–Dec 2026.

  2. Towards Carbon Neutrality: Catalysing H2O and CO2 to Green Resource Carriers. RGC (TBRS), HK$ 43,011,000, Co-PI, Jan 2023–Dec 2027.

  3. Water-in-salt aqueous ion batteries: material research and additive manufacture. Shenzhen Government, HK$ 1,100,000, PI, Apr 2022–Apr 2024.

  4. Development of nano-photocatalytic marine antifouling coatings. ITF, project code: 9440290, HK$ 3,780,000, Co-PI, Jan 2022–Dec 2023.

  5. Durable and high performance zinc-air flow batteries for energy storage. RGC (CRF), project code: C5031-20G, HK$ 4,200,000, Co-PI, Apr 2021–Mar 2024.

  6. Development of advanced photocatalytic treatment technology for toxic and harmful air. China Petrochemical Tech. Co. Ltd, HK$ 1,920,000, PI, Feb 2021–Feb 2024.

  7. Feasibility Study of Using 2nd Generation Biodiesel (HVO) as Motor Fuel in Hong Kong. ECF,
    project code: 104/2019, HK$ 1,145,000, PI, Jul 2020–Dec 2021.

  8. Engineering Analysis and Development of Disinfection System for Lift Car Surfaces Using Far-ultraviolet C (Far-UVC) Light. EMSD, HK$ 1,615,000, PI, Jan 2021–Sep 2022.

  9. High-efficacy, Environmental- and Eco-friendly Nano-photocatalytic marine antifouling. ITF, HK$ 2,096,062, Co-PI, Feb 2018–Oct 2020.


Dr. Weifeng Li


  1. Do climatic factors modify the effect of PM1 on lung cancer incidence in China? HKU Seed Fund for PI Research – Basic Research, project code: 202011159251, HK$ 118,000, PI, Apr 2021–Jan 2024.

  2. 可入肺颗粒物 (PM1)健康效应与建成环境、城市形态及建筑设计的关系: 珠三角研究, Guangdong Natural Science Fund, project code:
    2021A1515012571, HK$ 125,600, Co-PI, Jan 2021–Jan 2024.

  3. Inter-Modal Transport Data-Sharing, General Support Programme (GSP), Innovation and Technology Fund, Hong Kong SAR Government, project code: GSP/016/19, HK$ 2,100,000, PI, Jul 2020–Apr 2021.


Dr. Xingjian Liu


  1. Mind the gap on Chinese expressways: Intercity competition, state decentralization, and unfinished expressways in China’s city-regions, General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17600918, HK$ 731,000, PI, Sep 2018–Aug 2022.

  2. Polycentric urban development and carbon dioxide emission in China, Early Career Scheme, RGC, project code: 27604016, HK$ 560,000, PI, Jan 2017–Dec 2018.


Prof. Becky P.Y. Loo


  1. Estimating carbon emissions, assessing decarbonization strategies and managing green transportation in Hong Kong with a multifunctional simulation platform, Environmental and Conservation Fund, project code: 102/2022, HK$ 0.5million, Co-I, Mar 2024–Feb 2026.

  2. A Smart Planning Platform for Safe and Efficient MiC Module Transport, Smart Traffic Fund, project code: PSRI/69/2306/RA, HK$ 21.47million, Co-I, Dec 2023–Nov 2025.

  3. Teleworking in the E-society: Spatiotemporal Patterns, Influencing Mechanism and Spatial Effect, National Natural Science Foundation of China, project code: 42271210, ¥ 0.45million, Co-I, Jan 2023–Dec 2026.

  4. Understanding the Dynamic Nature of the Healthy Aging Framework: A Real-time Assessment of Person-environment Interaction using Smartphone Application and Ecological Momentary Assessment, General Research Fund (GRF), project code: 17625122, HK$ 0.94million, Co-I, Jan 2023–Aug 2024.

  5. An Evidence-based, Three-dimensional Agent-based Model for Managing Communicable Diseases in a Hyperdense Metropolis, General Research Fund (GRF), project code: 27601922, HK$ 0.24million, Co-I, Jan 2023–Dec 2024.

  6. Improving Bus Safety in Hong Kong: From Advanced Spatial Analysis to Artificial Intelligence, General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17616221, HK$ 1.12million, PI, Jan 2022–Dec 2024.

  7. Investigation of High-ozone episodes in Southern China due to Distant Tropical Cycles, Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), HK$ 0.86million, Co-I, Jan 2019–Jul 2021.

  8. Ageing-in-place in Chinese Cities: Promoting Quality of Life through the Urban Environment, Smart Technologies and Big Data, National Natural Science Foundation of China, ¥ 0.68million, PI, Jan 2017–Dec 2020.

  9. Re-establishing Ferry's Key Position in the Sustainable Transport System in Hong Kong, Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme, Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office, HK$ 0.81million, PI, Jun 2018–Dec 2019.

  10. Better Data Analytic Performance in Understanding Transportation in Smart Cities, Government Matching Grant Scheme (8th UGC), HK$ 1.00million PI, May 2021–Apr 2025.

  11. Creating an Age-friendly MTR System: Sensory Challenges, Walking Environments and Wellbeing of the Elderly MTR Users, MTR Research Funding (MRF), HK$ 0.68million, Co-I, Mar 2024–Apr 2026.

  12. Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Joint Laboratory on Smart Cities, 2020 Guangdong Province Technological Innovation Special Fund of the Department of Science and Technology of the Guangdong Province, HK$ 5.89million, Co-I, Nov 2023–Jun 2023.

  13. Using Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence to Improve Bus Safety in Smart Cities: A Pilot Study, Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited (KMB), AND Research Matching Grant Scheme (RMGS) (UGC), HK$ 0.28million, PI, Oct 2020–Sep 2022.

  14. Reducing Transport Stress in Big Cities: MTR Passengers, Services and Stations, The Mass Transit Railway Corporation (MTRC), HK$ 0.50million, PI, Apr 2020–Feb 2021.

  15. Reducing Transport Stress in Big Cities: Buses, Bus Stops and Bus Passengers, Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited (KMB) and Long Win Bus Company Limited (LWB), & Research Matching Grant Scheme (RMGS) (UGC), HK$ 0.70million, PI, Dec 2019–Mar 2021.

  16. Together in a Sustainable Transport Dream at the Two Bay Areas (One Dream, Two Bay Areas), UC Davis-HKU Collaboration in Research Scheme, HK$ 0.39million, PI, Aug 2018–Dec 2020.

  17. Joint Laboratory on Future Cities, Prosit Philosophiae Foundation, HK$ 2.00million, PI, Jul 2018–Jun 2025.

  18. New Algorithms and Approaches to Extract Land Cover Attributes through the Integration of Multisource and Multitemporal Satellite Images, Seed Fund for Basic Research, HK$ 0.15million, Co-I, Jun 2018–Jun 2020.

  19. The Role of Transport in Transiting to Liveable and Sustainable Cities in Europe and China, HKU-UCL Strategic Partnership Fund, HK$ 0.20million, PI, Jan 2018–Dec 2019.


Dr. Jun Ma


  1. Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Distribution of Ultrafine Particles and its Influential Factors in Urban Central Districts, Young Scientists Fund, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), project code: 42201092, RMB 300,000, PI, Jan 2023–Dec 2025.

  2. Modeling and Quantifying the Impacts of the Influential Variables on Sidewalk Particle Concentrations, General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council (RGC), project code: 17200422, HK$ 938,380, PI, Jan 2023–Dec 2025.

  3. A Data-Driven Methodology Framework to Study Influential Macro Variables on Energy Use Intensity of Urban Buildings, Early Career Scheme (ECS), Research Grants Council (RGC), project code: 27202521, HK$ 807,418, PI, Jan 2022–Dec 2024.


Prof. W.Y. Szeto


  1. Dynamic intercity ridesharing: Models, algorithms, and policy insights, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) / Research Grants Council (RGC) Joint Research Scheme, project code: N_HKU711/24, HK$ 1,223,482, Jan 2025-Dec 2028.

  2. Bilevel modeling and strategic management of conventional and autonomous bus services in a profit-maximizing market over time, General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17203223, HK$ 858,342, Jan 2024–Dec 2026.

  3. Strategic planning and management of a competitive bike-sharing system with regular and electric bikes, General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17206322, HK$ 884,500, Jan 2023–Dec 2025.

  4. Dynamic taxi market management problems related to rentee-drivers and ride-sourcing platforms, General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17204521, HK$ 911,317, Jan 2022–Dec 2024.

  5. Development of dynamic equilibrium models for managing multimodal transportation systems with bike-and-ride, General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17200119, HK$ 748,300, Jan 2020–Dec 2022.

  6. Dynamic modeling and management of taxi markets with multiple e-hailing services and taxi classes, General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17200618, HK$ 632,421, Jan 2019–Dec 2021.

  7. Dynamic bi-level public bike network design with uncertainties, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), project code: 71771194, HK$ 602,880 (¥490,000), Jan 2018–Dec 2021.

  8. The 7th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA): Smart Transportation, Croucher Foundation: Sponsorship of Conferences 2017–2018, HK$100,000, Jun 6–8, 2018


Prof. S.C. Wong


  1. Enhancing urban bus safety: investigating driver fatigue and risk exposure using a multifaceted approach, General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17202824, HK$ 1,134,931, PI, Jan 2025–Dec 2027.

  2. Improving the reliability of urban land use and transportation planning based on a dynamic continuum modeling approach, General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17202223, HK$ 1,132,781, PI, Jan 2024–Dec 2026.

  3. SynchroHub: Cyber-physical internet for synchronizing cross-border logistics hubs in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), Theme-based Research Scheme, RGC, project code: T32-707/22-N, HK$ 326,000, Co-PI, Jan 2023–Dec 2027.

  4. Adaptive signal control based on real-time estimation of the penetration rate in a connected environment, General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17205822, HK$ 944,000, PI, Jan 2023–Dec 2025.

  5. Group-based signal optimization for area traffic-pedestrian control, General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17204919, HK$ 748,300, PI, Jan 2020–Jun 2023.

  6. Reliability-based intelligent transportation systems in urban road network with uncertainty, Research Impact Fund, RGC, project code: R5029-18, HK$ 1,260,600, Co-PI, Jun 2019–Dec 2022.

  7. Modular Integrated Construction 2.0+” for quality and efficient tall residential buildings through advanced structural engineering, innovative building materials and smart project delivery, Research Impact Fund, RGC, project code: R7027-18, HK$ 500,000, Co-PI, Jun 2019–Jun 2024.

  8. Consultancy service on the review of overseas seat belt requirements and the cost benefit analysis for installation and wearing requirements of seat belts for all passenger seats on franchised/non-franchised buses, private buses and rear passenger seats on private light buses, goods vehicles & student services vehicles, PolyU Technology & Consultancy Company Limited, project code: P18-0377, HK$ 700,600, Apr 2019–Oct 2019.

  9. Dynamic macroscopic modeling of crowd dynamics under panic conditions, Research Impact Fund, RGC, project code: 17201318, HK$ 632,421, PI, Jan 2019–Jun 2022.

  10. Risks to pedestrians of crossing in a traffic system with different driving rules General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17203017, HK$ 442,050, Co-PI, Jan 2018–Jun 2021.


Dr. Tianren Yang


  1. Spatial (mis)match of jobs-housing in megacities considering demand-supply heterogeneity, National Natural Science Foundation of China, project code: 52408095, HK$ 323,000 (¥300,000), PI, Jan 2025–Dec 2027.

  2. Investigating the spatial implications of home-based telework in megacities: Observations and predictions, Early Career Scheme, RGC, project code: 27601324, HK$ 872,500, PI, Jul 2024–Jun 2027.


Prof. Anthony G.O. Yeh


  1. Promoting HK Residents’ Cross-border Healthcare Utilization and Cross-border Mobility in the Greater Bay Area: Recent Priorities and Long-term Policy Framework, Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, project code: S2021.A8.027.21S, HK$ 2,615,046, Co-I, 2022–2025.

  2. Delineating Functional Cities in Chinese Mega City Regions Using Cellular Network Data: A Case Study of the Pearl River Delta, General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17614320, HK$ 1,057,524, PI, Jan 2021–Jun 2023.

  3. “BIM Square”: Blockchain and i-Core-enabled Multi-stakeholder Building Information Modelling Platform for Construction Logistics and Supply Chain Management in Hong Kong, Platform Research Projects - General Award, project code: ITP/029/20LP, HK$
    7,275,009, Co-I, Jan 2021–Dec 2022.

  4. Guangdong Science and Technology Department Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Smart City Joint Laboratory, 2020 Guangdong Province Technological Innovation Special Fund, project code: AR200053, HK$ 1,898,000, PI, Jul 2020–Jul 2026.

  5. A Study of the Commuting and Spatial Structure of Mega City Regions in China with Cell Phone Big Data - A Case Study of the Pearl River Delta Mega City Region, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) - General Program, project code: 41971408, HK$ 728,480, PI, Jan 2020–Jan 2022.

  6. The Development of New Central Business Districts (CBDs) in China: Development Model and Dynamics, General Research Fund, RGC, project code: 17603617, HK$ 1,120,328, PI, Jan 2018–Jun 2021.


Dr. Fangni Zhang


  1. Parking and Charging as a Service: Capacity Allocation and Pricing Strategies, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, project code: 17205124, HK$ 1,134,931, PI, Jan 2025–Dec 2027.

  2. Order allocation and vehicle routing optimization of an integrated logistics platform with crowdsourced and dedicated couriers, General Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), project code: 72371216, HK$ 496,859 (¥ 458,823), PI, Jan 2024–Dec 2026.

  3. Urban co-modality in public transport systems: Synergize passenger and freight movements, Early Career Scheme (ECS), Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, project code: 27202221, HK$ 720,840, PI, Jan 2022–Dec 2024.

  4. Synchronization and optimization of an integrated passenger-freight transport system with demand uncertainties, Young Scientists Fund, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), project code: 7210010774, HK$ 324,870 (¥ 300,000), PI, Jan 2022–Dec 2024.


Dr. Xiaohu Zhang


  1. Strategic Pathways to Urban Innovation: A Smart Specialisation Development Framework for Hong Kong, Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, project code: 2024.A8.149.24C, HK$ 689,425, PI, Dec 2024–May 2026.

  2. Incentivize Safe Driving of Minibus Drivers in Hong Kong, University Grants Committee – Early Career Scheme, project code: 27212324, HK$ 549,000, PI, Jan 2025–Dec 2027.

  3. A Low-cost Mobile Sensing Platform for Air Quality Monitoring at High Spatial Resolution in Hong Kong, Environment and Conservation Fund, project code: 138/2023, HK$ 500,000, PI, Jul 2024–Jun 2026.

  4. The Impact Mechanism of Carbon Reduction Incentive Scheme on Private Vehicle Travels, National Natural Science Foundation of China – General Scheme, project code: 42371190, ¥ 480,000, PI, Jan 2024–Dec 2027.


Dr. Zhan Zhao


  1. e-TranStar 2.0: i-Core-enabled Smart Just-in-Time MiC Transportation Planning, Public Sector Trial Scheme (PSTS)- Innovation and Technology Fund, project code: ITT/004/24LP, HK$ 3,730,000, Co-PI, Mar 2024–Mar 2026.

  2. Generalizable Deep Learning across Cities and Modes for Human Mobility Prediction, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Young Scientist Fund, project code: 42201502, HK$ 346,500 (¥300,000), PI, Jan 2023–Dec 2025.


Prof. Jiangping Zhou


  1. Station Pairs, Non-Metro Connections and Life between Stations: How to theorize, measure and predict them? General Research Fund, University Grants Committee, project code: EA230459, HK$ 781,820, PI, Dec 2023–Nov 2027.

  2. The Impact Mechanism of Carbon Reduction Incentive Scheme on Private Vehicle Travels, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), project code: 42371190, ¥ 480,000, Co-I, Jan 2024–Jun 2026.

  3. A Simulation-based Analytical Framework for the Design of an Integrated Autonomous Vehicle and Public Transit System and Evaluation of Its Impact on Urban Form, HKU Seed Fund for Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Scheme, HK$ 497,580, Co-I, Jun 2023–Jun 2025.

  4. Revisiting Our Conceptualization of and Metrics for Cities: Constructing, Sharing and Exploiting a Multi-source Database for Hong Kong amid and Post COVID-19, HKU Platform Funding, HK$ 870,000, PI, 2021–2023.

  5. Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Joint Laboratory on Smart Cities, Technological Innovation Special Fund (TISF), ¥ 1,200,000, PI, 2021–2023.

  6. Discovering Mass Transit’s Capacity and Resilience in Social Movements with an Unprecedented Testbed: A Mixed-methods Study of Hong Kong’s MTR in Anti-Extradition Protests, General Research Fund, University Grants Committee, project code: 17603220, HK$ 581,020, PI, 2021–2022.  

  7. Equalization of and Accessibility to Basic Public Services in Developed Regions in China: Theorization and Practices, National Social Science Foundation of China, ¥ 1,140,000, PI, 2020–2022.

  8. Cross-Border Travel Behaviors and Smart Cross-Border Travel Planning Systems, National Key R&D Program (NKR&DP), Ministry of Science and Technology, China, ¥ 1,200,000, PI, 2019–2022.

  9. Inter-Modal Transport Data-Sharing, General Support Programme (GSP), Innovation and Technology Fund, Hong Kong SAR Government, project code: GSP/016/19, HK$ 2,100,000, PI, 2019–2021.

  10. Mind the Gap on Chinese Expressways: Intercity Competition, State Decentralization, and Unfinished Expressways in China’s City-Regions, General Research Fund, University Grants Committee, project code: 17600918, HK$ 731,000, Co-I, 2018–2020.

  11. Together in a Sustainable Transport Dream at the Two Bay Areas, UC Davis - HKU Collaborations in Research Scheme, HK$ 200,000, Co-PI, 2018–2020.

  12. Can TODness Improve (Expected) Performances of TODs? An Exploration Facilitated by Non-Traditional Data, People's Republic of China International Fellowship, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, MA, U.S., US$ 35,000, PI, 2018–2019.

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