Trustee Chair, Pegasus Professor and Department Chair, University of Central Florida
12 MARCH 2018 (MONDAY)
19:00 - 20:00
Institute of Transport Studies, The University of Hong Kong
Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies are believed to have a large effect on traffic safety. For now, it is important to determine the expected effect that CV technologies would have in reducing crashes when all vehicles are equipped with them? Which crash types could these technologies make the greatest benefit? The answers to these questions are meaningful because they could provide important guidance for CV-related policies, research, resource allocation, manufacturing and promotion of these systems. At present little work has been done toward answering these questions. Actually there are plenty of studies which focus on separate safety performance of a single or several CV technologies, but few in the literature have tried to integrate all CV-related studies to make a comprehensive and general safety benefit estimation. In this presentation, we provide an introduction about CV, we make a general crash avoidance effectiveness framework of CV technologies, then we apply the crash avoidance effectiveness framework to the total crash population to estimate a total safety benefit of CV technologies.
The presentation also addresses some of the current CV-related studies by the presenter’s team. The effectiveness of Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies in adverse visibility conditions using microscopic traffic and driving simulation. Traffic flow characteristics deteriorate significantly in reduced visibility conditions resulting in high crash risk. We apply CV technologies on a segment of Interstate I-4 in Florida to improve the traffic safety under fog conditions. Two types of CV approaches (i.e., connected vehicles without platooning (CVWPL) and connected vehicles with platooning (CVPL)) were applied to reduce the crash risk in terms of three surrogate measures of safety. This study implemented Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication technologies of CVs to acquire real-time traffic data using the microsimulation software VISSIM. The model performance was evaluated under different CV market penetration rates (MPRs). The study also proposed a traffic safety improvement approach by Variable Speed Limit (VSL) strategy to reduce secondary crash risk under fog conditions. The VSL strategy was tested under both connected-vehicle (CV) environment and non-CV environment. Another study used driving simulation to test the effectiveness of V2I and V2V and the design of heads up display.
While the presentation will focus on the safety benefits of CV, it will also address relevant issues in traffic operation, big data, and active traffic management.
Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Aty, PE is a Trustee Chair at the University of Central Florida (UCF). He is a Pegasus Professor and Chair of the Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering Department at UCF. He is also the Deputy Director of the Transportation Center (CATSS). His main expertise and interests are in the areas of traffic safety analysis, simulation, big data and data analytics and ITS. He was awarded in 2015 the Pegasus Professorship, the highest honor at UCF. In the last 20 years, Dr. Abdel-Aty has managed more than 50 research projects at about $18 million. Dr. Abdel-Aty has published 470 papers, more than 240 in journals (Citations 10,200, H-Index 53). He supervised to graduation 64 PhD and MS students. Dr. Abdel-Aty is the Editor-in-Chief of Accident Analysis and Prevention, the premier journal in safety. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of the ITS Journal and the International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, and member of multiple TRB Committees, including Safety Data, Analysis & Evaluation, Safety Performance and User Information Systems. Dr. Abdel-Aty is a leading traffic safety expert at both the national and international levels. In 2003 he was selected as UCF’s Distinguished Researcher, and in 2007 as UCF’s Outstanding Graduate Teacher. He has received multiple research awards from the College of Engineering & Computer Science in 2003, 2008, 2010 and 2012, including the Dean's Advisory Board award. He and his students received multiple awards for their papers and research from TRB, WCTR, ITS Florida and FL section ITE. He has been invited to deliver many Keynote speeches in conferences around the world, including in Belgium, Brazil, China, Korea, Turkey, KSA, Jordan, Qatar and UAE. He is a registered professional engineer in Florida.