Fellows of the Institute of Transport Studies (HKUITS) have partnered with the Research Institute for Smart Cities of Shenzhen University and State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City of Macao University in successfully bidding for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Joint Laboratory on Smart Cities (粵港澳智慧城市聯合實驗室) under the 2020 Guangdong Province Technological Innovation Special Fund of the Department of Science and Technology of the Guangdong Province. They have awarded 10 Joint Labs with an award of 5 Million RMB each this year. Congratulations to the project leader, Prof. Anthony Yeh (Urban Planning & Design). Members of our interdisciplinary team include Dr Fang Bian (Urban Planning & Design), Dr Zifeng Chen (Urban Planning & Design), Prof. Reynold Cheng (Computer Science), Dr Weifeng Li (Urban Planning & Design), Prof. Becky PY Loo (Geography), Prof. WY Szeto (Civil Engineering), Dr Jiangping Zhou (Urban Planning & Design) and Prof. SC Wong (Civil Engineering).